If Jeff Foxworthy was in the Medical Device Industry

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Mareo McCracken
Mareo McCracken

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“You might have a problem…” or the problem with some sales, inventory, and operations software tools.

If you have 4 different tools that should be 1 HIPAA compliant tool… you might have a problem.

If it is easier to create a hack to get work done without using the tool itself… you might have a problem.

If you start asking questions about “down-time” or outages… you might have a problem.

If you still call or send emails to verify statuses that should be visible in the app… you might have a problem.

If your vendor can’t prove they have done it before… you might have a problem.

If running reports is more important than driving action… you might have a problem.

If true asset visibility and control is not real-time… you might have a problem.

If you can’t track items at the piece level… you might have a problem.

If double manual-entry is part of your daily life… you might have a problem.

If you can’t do your job easily because the tool makes your job 10x more complex… you might have a problem.

If copy and paste is easier than using the tool… you might have a problem.

If your scheduling, product requesting, order to cash, sales analytics, planning, sourcing, inventory management, audit, and surgeon communication tools are all different… you might have a problem.

If your iPhone/Android isn’t supported… you might have a problem.

If your tool is not fully integrated with the ERP… you might have a problem.

If you need a handheld scanner… you might have a problem.

If nightly file pulls is considered integration… you might have a problem.

If it takes more than a couple days to be fully using the system… you might have a problem.

If audit requires you to add headcount… you might have a problem.

If the team thinks predictive planning can be done without getting better data first… you might have a problem.

If sales and operations cannot be separated while still functioning together in the same tool… you might have a problem.

If RFID is the answer to everything… you might have a problem.

If you want hospital integration and buy-in for your custom single-vendor tool… you might have a problem.

If you think you can force sales reps behavior… you might have a problem.

* These heartburn inducing situations came from recent discussions with 12 different industry leaders in the medical device space from 7 different major medical device manufacturers. 

Contact us if these are situations you might have some connection with with. We won’t judge.

(Just want to help…)

…or watch this DEMO that you can personalize (you can watch the whole thing in a few minutes). 

contact: mm@movemedical.com / 877.469.3992

Description: Comedian Jeff Foxworthy in performance at the Resch Center in Green Bay / Date: 9 October 2015, 19:47:56
Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/125781032@N07/22702896691/ / Author: Midwest Communications


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