Tag: Orthopedics


Accurately Optimize Your Inventory While Gaining Complete Visibility (These Metrics Can Change Everything)

Functionality is nice. Actionable data is better. Features are great. Getting work done is vital. Combining it all into one system, that is when you create business strategy magic. When assessing internal and external capabilities, one of the most important questions to ask is: Does the solution provide me with real-time… Read More

BY Mareo McCracken

Simplifying Your Processes Will Dramatically Increase Asset Utilization (And You Will Create A More Effective Sales Force Too!)

When you are in a growth phase and are growing too fast, inventory issues can be a big problem. When you have product holds or recalls, inventory shortages can hurt your business. Without full visibility to your actual inventory by location, you are always playing catch-up. True visibility is what… Read More

BY Mareo McCracken

Simplify Your Complex Sales Processes and Inventory Operations, Without Wasting Time or Money

Successful field operations in the medical device space can be difficult and are always complex. It is not your fault. It is not easy combining sales, operations, and service altogether when there are so many systems and stakeholders involved. There are too many variables. We are all striving for progress. Read More

BY Mareo McCracken

Lot Control Functionality: Purpose-Built To Reduce Costs and Increase Asset Utilization

Lot control compliance is often a difficult problem that slows business and increases costs. Lot control is difficult. Everyone knows that with most current software (or lack thereof) reconciliation of lots is hard. Much hard than it should be. Lot Control should be easy, for most people it is not. Not… Read More

BY Mareo McCracken

Medical Device Par Management Done Right Removes So Many Headaches

There are multiple ways to manage inventory replenishment for medical device companies. One way is to order based off of usage at time of surgery or creation of the invoice/purchase order. Another way is through par level inventory management. Either way, without accurate, passive data, neither option is going to… Read More

BY Mareo McCracken

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Pioneering Efficiency:
How Movemedical Transforms the Medical Device Last-Mile Supply Chain.

In the highly regulated and complex world of the medical device last-mile supply chain, managing logistics efficiently is paramount. Now, the medical device industry puts heavier focus on operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Movemedical stands at the forefront of addressing these challenges by offering solutions that streamline inventory management, enhance customer… Read More

BY Nickolas Crawford

Fix Medical Device Inventory & Reduce Costs

The medical device last-mile is complex. The unique variables regarding field inventory, sales, billing, and order management add tremendous costs. Movemedical can help lower costs for medical device companies in several ways: Streamlined Inventory Management: Movemedical’s software allows medical device companies to manage their inventory more efficiently. By providing real-time… Read More

BY Mareo McCracken

Seven (7) Ways ChatGPT Recognizes How Med Device Companies Benefit from Using Movemedical

Managing implantable surgical devices in the field is highly complex, and requires teams of experienced industry experts to map out effective processes and implement them efficiently. Understanding the unique approaches needed to successfully accomplish this is a challenge for even industry veterans. To see how well AI could comprehend from… Read More

BY Mareo McCracken