Case Study: How This Orthopedic Implant Distributor Increased Inventory Control and Visibility

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Mareo McCracken
Mareo McCracken

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Jason M.. is the Director of Business Solutions at a Large Independent Orthopedic Device Distributor

“We can confidently and accurately access all relevant information quickly through the web from anywhere; a luxury we didn’t always have.”


Jason is the Director of Business Solutions and the Surgery Department Manager at a major North American distributor for one of the leading orthopedic medical device companies. Prior to using the platform designed by Movemedical, visibility was limited, and there were no mechanisms or processes in place to ensure that inventory could be tracked back and forth between surgeries.

“We didn’t have full visibility of where our inventory was. Our previous system showed inventory either at the account or in the office and didn’t track all the activity that happens in between.”

Jason could never be 100 percent confident that they were prepared for surgery.


In 2012, a new inventory platform designed and built by the Movemedical team was selected to replace their old system. The new system would include a surgery scheduler with the ability to request inventory for a case.

“Being able to reserve product in advance and determine what we don’t have, with time to spare, is an invaluable benefit.”

The system would also have sourcing abilities and be able to track inventory throughout the entire shipping process, even between locations. It would account for and help identify inventory that was reported as used during surgery.



Jason realized the benefits of the new platform when he noticed that he no longer worried about whether all of the required inventory was present for each surgery.

“We can confidently and accurately access all relevant information quickly through the web from anywhere; a luxury we didn’t always have.”

For Jason and his team, the hand-off between the sales rep and office staff is extremely important. The system serves as an easy-to-use, compliant channel of communication meaning sales reps can board cases, request inventory, and report usage confidently, right from their mobile phones.

“The fact that the system is web-based and requires minimal manual data management by the end user makes it irreplaceable.”

In addition, Jason has been able to refine some of his processes internally using the management tools provided by the software.

“The system has allowed us to streamline interaction between the field and operations personnel by providing clear-cut, systematic processes for each side of the business to follow.”

Jason and his team now have the tools necessary to successfully identify, pick, pack, ship, bill, and replenish inventory for the distributorship. This has drastically reduced the stress related to surgery preparation and has allowed his team to focus on surgeries that are taking place later in the week.

“Now we’re able to track inventory throughout our processes and plan ahead.”

With the assortment of tools that the Movemedical platform has assembled in one package, from scheduling to communication to inventory management, Jason and his team have been able to streamline their processes. They can decrease time and cost spent per delivery and increase confidence within the distributorship and with their clients. The result is a better service and better relationships.



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